My 30th Year - Rachael S. Dunn Gets Braces

An adult braces journal (among other things)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

After One Week With 20 Gauge Wire

Not terribly painful, but I can tell my teeth are a little wobbly. They are straightening up nicely though. Will take and post some pictures in the next day or two. I slacked with the last wire and don't think I ever took any photos with the 16 gauge in place. Oops.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

20 Square Wire

Saw the ortho yesterday and was upgraded to a 20 square wire. This wire fully engages the brackets and should move my teeth more than any other wire so far. Next appointment, 8 weeks.

The assistant told me she predicts at my next appointment I'll be given a reverse curve wire, which will move all of my upper teeth forwards. Then, I'll be ready for the bottom brackets.

It seems like there's tons of work to go, but when it's broken down into 8 week appointments, I really won't see Dr. Stewart too many times before I'm done!

Some tenderness today -- which I was told would happen. Dr. Stewart said pain for a few days and that I probably would notice this wire for the full 8 weeks, but that it shouldn't be too painful. Here's hoping.