My 30th Year - Rachael S. Dunn Gets Braces

An adult braces journal (among other things)

Friday, April 11, 2008

I want to be finished with the braces so badly

I would love to be done with the braces already -- but having paid quite a lot of money, and also being paid up quite some time ago, I'm not willing to settle for an okay job. I want the job to be as perfect as it can be. I'm not asking for perfection -- I doubt it's possible for my teeth to be perfect afterall. But I would like it to be great, not so-so.

So as frustrated as I am at times that I still have braces and am nearing my 33rd birthday, I keep reminding myself that it WILL be worth it in the end and it's in my best interests to stick it out!!! I will be done eventually :-)


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