My 30th Year - Rachael S. Dunn Gets Braces

An adult braces journal (among other things)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Other news

I'm pregnant!! Just over 16 weeks along as of today. Due date is September 24, which is my step-mom's birthday. Everything appears to be going well. We've had some testing done to predict Down syndrome and other retardation problems (nucal translucency) and statistically, we're in the clear. We have some additional testing planned for spina bifida and other neural tube defects.

To see the little one at 13 weeks was pretty crazy. It was so small, but looked just like a baby. It's amazing how that mass of cells becomes human looking so fast. The fetus was super active during the ultrasound -- it was funny to see.

Here is an image from the scan. It's a bit weird looking -- more spooky looking than the original we have, but it's the best job I could do with the scanner.

We have another detailed ultrasound scheduled for May 8. Hopefully, we'll be able to find out the sex of the baby at that time. At the 13 week scan, the technician said forced to make a guess, it's a girl. But it was still a bit early to know for sure so we have to be patient.

As far as how this might affect my braces treatment -- it shouldn't much. However, dental hygiene is more important than ever. Pregnant women have more blood flowing in their bodies making gums swell and gum disease more likely. I haven't noticed a huge difference in my gums recently, but they do bleed occaisionally. Dr. Stewart also said my teeth may move faster. I definitely haven't noticed that happening! But maybe there's a difference.

I guess it also means if I need any dental x-rays I'm out of luck. There is a chance I'm starting to develop a few small cavities based on an evaluation at my last dental hygiene appointment in January. But the dentist won't really do anything about it until the braces are off. Hopefully, I'll be done with the braces by summer and will be able to address my overall oral health issues then.

I will say though, that after living with braces for more than 2.5 years, my teeth still appear to be in good shape. It was always my worst nightmare that I would have really straight, but really rotten teeth! Doesn't look like that will be the case.

In other good family news, my step-sister Maggie just reported today that she's also expecting. Her baby is due December 16. It's nice that we will have kids so close in age.


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