My 30th Year - Rachael S. Dunn Gets Braces

An adult braces journal (among other things)

Monday, September 12, 2005

A Strange Few Weeks

I haven't posted in a while for 2 main reasons. First, because I haven't had anything eventful to talk about with regards to the teeth. No major problems and a little tooth movement, but probably no major developments until the next ortho appointment in 3 weeks.

Second, Andy and I were on vacation recently. We took a trip to the Pacific Northwest Aug. 31-Sept. 7. More about the trip in a moment....

Right before we left for Seattle, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast affecting parts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama (Monday Aug. 30). Some of the worst damage occurred in Mississippi and New Orleans residents were left feeling fairly fortunate that their city escaped the eye of the storm. Then on Tuesday, two levees in the city were breeched and approxmiately 80% of New Orleans was flooded. Many people did not evacuate the city prior to the hurricaine either because they didn't believe the storm would be that bad, or did not have the means to evacuate quickly. News reports during the last two weeks have focused on the devastation in the city and the fate of displaced residents.

My step brother Matt, his wife Anne, and their 18-month-old Gus lived in an up-and-coming neighborhood in New Orleans. They had evacuated before the storm, but once the city flooded were left feeling very cut-off and unsure about the fate of their house. Residents were asked not to return to the city (partly because of disease and safety concerns, and also so as to not be in the way during relief efforts) so Matt and Anne decided they would come stay at my dad and Margaret's house in Canton to regroup and wait it out.

On Saturday, Matt received a call from a friend in New Orleans who was on a pet rescue mission to say their house appeared to be intact. Wasn't looted and didn't seem to sustain bad wind damage. Matt was so relieved to hear that. Now I guess Matt and Anne will wait and see how things develop over the next little while to make a decision about whether to move back or not. They absolutely love the city and would love nothing more than to move back asap, but they have Gus and his health and well-being to consider. I really hope everything works out for their family, one way or another. They have been through so much and I know how devastated they are.


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