My 30th Year - Rachael S. Dunn Gets Braces

An adult braces journal (among other things)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Roughly 44 Weeks In

The bottom teeth are starting to show some movement. I'm getting little gaps between some of the teeth at the front. It's still really hard to envision where they need to go though. It seems to me that without the bite turbos I would have much straighter teeth, but the overbite would still be quite prominent. I guess I just have to be patient....

Flossing now that I have all the brackets on is a PITA! It takes much longer and sometimes the floss gets caught on a bracket in the back and shreds. The other night I had to use scissors to cut the floss loose it was so caught. I can't wait until I can floss in under 30 seconds.There's no doubt I'll floss every day for the rest of my life. Learning to floss with braces has taught me how important flossing is, and also how quick and easy it will be without them. It's absolutely worth taking the time to do it every day. My gums are so healthy right now!

I have an appointment scheduled in 2 more weeks, at 46 weeks total time.


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