My 30th Year - Rachael S. Dunn Gets Braces

An adult braces journal (among other things)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I haven't mentioned this on the blog before now because it wasn't really in keeping with the orthodontic theme of the blog. I initially intended for the blog to be about everything in my life, but quickly realized I wasn't dedicated enough to blog every day or every few days and it slowly morphed into a blog about nothing but the braces. But the thing I have to say out loud now relates to the braces, so I thought it was worth mentioning.

Andy recently has started talking more and more about us getting married. We've started looking at engagement rings, talking about wedding options and even driving around neighborhoods looking at houses.

But here's the kicker: After 5.5 years of no action, Andy has decided he's ready to get married. I have no problem with that, but he announced once we're engaged, he doesn't see any point in having a long engagement, that we should just go ahead and get married as soon as possible.

Which is fine, but I still potentially have a year or more in braces. I mentioned this to him and said I don't want to get married in braces, and he acted like I'm being ridiculous and who cares if I still have braces when we get married. The answer to that question is "I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" As much as they don't really bother me and I'm dealing with the experience quite well, I don't want to not smile or smile and flash a mouth of metal in all my wedding photos. Ack.

So now, more than ever, I want Dr. Stewart to push my treatment along. Must get braces off asap!!!!!

My friend Kerry had braces at approximately the same age as me. Kerry also was engaged and opted to remove her braces before her treatment was quite finished because of the approaching wedding. Then she called the wedding off. Her teeth still look great to me, but she knows the treatment wasn't quite done and I think she told me she regrets not seeing it through until the end. Especially since the relationship didn't work out.

I'm paying waay too much money not to see the treatment through to perfection, so Andy may have to just cool his jets!!!!


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