My 30th Year - Rachael S. Dunn Gets Braces

An adult braces journal (among other things)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

40 Weeks in Braces

I've been pretty good about taking photos of the braces, but haven't been very good about posting on the blog or keeping up with what's what. I have two sets of photos, both taken after my week 40 appointment, but they appear to be shot on different days because I'm wearing a different shirt. I guess for blog purposes, we'll pretend they were taken at the same time, right after my appointment!

So, at week 40, Dr. Stewart changed the bottom wire to the next guage size up (I think it's an 18?). He also took out the top wire so I could get a good brushing and flossing in. But then the same reverse curve wire was popped back in along with a new baby pink power chain.

I also was having some trouble with the crown on the bottom. The crown was moving too much (was pulling upwards) compared to the other teeth and was actually starting to get painful. After examination, Dr. Stewart determined it was because the bracket was slightly high on that tooth. The bracket was removed [and it turns out to pull off a bracket only a quick tug with a pair of pliers is needed -- much less complicated and much easier than I envisioned] and replaced.

After only a day or so, the tooth had lowered and was back to where it should be, pain-free.

Dr. Stewart also asked his assistant to shave off a few mm from each of the bite turbos. Said as my teeth slowly move, he wants me to continually move towards closing my mouth without the turbos. I think she shaved off a little more than I would have liked. For the first week or so, I did bash my teeth on the bottom brackets often. I also cannot sleep without the Aqualizer. The mouthguard provides a nice cushion and prevents me from bashing my teeth on the brackets while I'm sleeping. Much more comfortable to sleep with, than without.

Here are some photos at approximately 40 weeks.


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