My 30th Year - Rachael S. Dunn Gets Braces

An adult braces journal (among other things)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Week 24 Appointment, With Disappointment :-(

I saw the ortho today after 24 weeks in braces. We were hoping I'd be ready for the reverse curve wire (which will move all my teeth forward to make room for the bottom braces). But after looking and much debate, the ortho said I wasn't ready because the bicuspid on the right side hadn't come down enough. Rats!

And, because of the gap in my front teeth, Dr. Stewart said I needed a power chain to close the gap. His assistant said she'd pulled silver for me, but wanted to let me know colors were an option if I so desired. I figured if I had to have a power chain, I was getting a colored one! I selected baby pink!

Contrary to what the name might suggest, a power chain is nothing more than a piece of polymer, similar to the ligatures, but connected. A piece is cut corresponding to the number of brackets it needs to connect and it is then stretched over each of the brackets. Mine goes across the front 4 teeth. The cut piece of chain was so tiny in comparison to the distance it had to stretch! It really tugged on my teeth as the assistant attached it. Even though I don't need ligatures, she went ahead and attached them to the other 4 brackets surrounding the chain to complete the pink look. I think it's super cute! Accessories for my brackets!

When Dr. Stewart came back to check everything was okay, I told him I went pink. He laughed pretty hard at me and asked if I'd always been so dull. I told him I was 30 with braces and there is no need to take it so seriously!

It's amazing how quickly the power chain worked. By the time I got into the office and checked my teeth in the mirror, the gap already had closed. The teeth are a little sore today, but it'll pass quickly.

I have to wait 4 weeks for the next appointment. Here's hoping that stubborn bicuspid gets a move on!


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