My 30th Year - Rachael S. Dunn Gets Braces

An adult braces journal (among other things)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I survived the first week!

So, it's been a full week now since I got the top appliances installed. After a few agonizing days when I wasn't sure I would ever get used to them, I now can say I feel comfortable with the metal in my mouth.

I've had a few teeth-bashing incidents, including one with a beer mug that cut my lip and another while playing tennis. But all in all, the braces aren't too bad. Taking good care of my teeth is more time consuming, but I know it'll be worth it in the end.

Andy is convinced my teeth are moving, but I'm not so sure. I suppose the teeth must have started to move a little bit, but I don't think the movement is obvious yet.

I was excited to get through week 1. But when I cheered Andy sarcastically said "Yeah, almost done. Only a few more weeks to go."

But hey, here's hoping the next 16-24 months fly by.


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